2004-07-16 || the r in roanoke stands for rude.
The people who live in Roanoke are driving bastards.


And I'm going to tell a story too.

Alright. So I'm sitting in the parking lotish of my work (I say ish because it's sort belongs to my work..but I don't know) waiting patiently to turn right into the bigger parking lot drive thingy to go home.

One may think this is an easy task...But NO! In Roanoke at 2:45pm on a Friday in a Walmart parking lot is like HELL WAITING TO HAPPEN.

So I'm all la dee dah listening to my gangster rap smiling all wee yay life at people hoping someone would let me out.

Hold on...Let me draw a picture. (Yay picture!)

(And for the record, THEY have the stop sign..not me.)

Ok, now that we have that....

I was chilling you know, watching stupid girl chat on her cell phone making horrible faces at the unidentified person, and thinking to myself that the man in the red truck looked really friendly and may let me out!

So la dee dee deeeeeee, I look down at my cell phone to see what time it is-WHEN ALL OF A SUDDEN!

Yeah dude..That's what it looked like. RED MAN TOTALLY JUST CUT ALL OF US OFF! aHHA;SLKDJFSLDKF.

Well, to say the least no one let me out, and I had to wait about 20 minutes until it was clear for me to go.

Then I had to stop...Proceed on to the next stop sign, and rocket my ass over to the stop light where I had to sit for another 15 minutes before the light changed.

Case point and end of story being Roanoke=bastards.

Except for me and everyone I'm associated with. We.rule.

before & after



