2003-08-19 || interview questions pt 2
Here is "Interview Pt. 2"

Don't forget, ya'll, to post the rules as well as my questions and your answers.

(And I'm still up for reviewing more people! Just ask!)

Questions for Amy

1: I can tell that you've been through a lot, even if you're only 14. You're a great writer, and I've always wandered who has really inspired you in your life?

2: You style is very "punk-rock." Do your parents have a problem with the way you dress? (Nose-ring and all), or are they pretty laid back about it?

3: If you could be in any music video, which one would it be, and what would you be doing in the video?

4: Would you rather have enormous boobs, or a J.Lo booty?

5: Is thre anything you've always wanted to do but restrained yourself because of what your friends or family might think of it? If yes, what is it?

Questions for Kristine

1:In pretty much every entry you talk about "a night out with your boyfriend, Brian," has been the BEST NIGHT EVER. Think back through all of your memories with him now, and try to pick one of your favorites. Talk about it..

2: Would you ever get a tattoo? If you would, what would it be of, and where on your body would you get it done?

3: Do you have a "theme song?" If you do, what is it? Also, write down a few lines to it that describe you the most.

4: Name one thing that your going to miss about leaving home for college, and one thing that your looking forward to.

5: Why Pinklady877? What inspired you to choose that name for your AIM and Diaryland username?

Wooooo. I'm still chock full of questions people!

before & after



