2003-07-14 || i.am.one.lucky.girl!
While driving home from Kmart this evening, my mom decides to blast a Johnny Cash CD and decides to open all windows and SCREAM the lyrics.

Oh no, I'm not done.

Then Patsy Cline comes on, and she begins explaining who she is.

Yes, mother..I AM an idiot.

Then I make the mistake of telling her I have to pee like a madman, so she takes her grand ole' time getting her ass out of the car while I proceed to run around yelling in the driveway in order not to pee myself....

I stub my toe, and yell some more.

THEN. She starts singing a song about spelling or something in a country accent, while fumbling to get her keys.

I yell "IHATEYOU!" (I later apologized of course) to her and there she is, a-smilin away.

Later on, I get a sudden whim of redecorating my room, so I decide to put christmas lights around, and me being the complete idiot I am, decide to use a piece of crap rolly computer chair we got in 1990 as my stool.

Oh yes, I fell down.

And I had a thumbtack in my mouth which proceeded to fall down and stab my foot.

Number one..We are SO white-trash.

Number 2, can I ask, And how was YOUR day?!

before & after



