2004-02-16 || damn you weathered people.
Is there a point to having weather people?

If there is...Shouldn't they give the people of the world like, special instructions on "codes" that they use?

I've come up with a few of my own...

1)A clear sunny day, High in the 30s. Which really means... Light snow turning heavy, but you're not supposed to know that because we want all the little children to stay up doing craploads of homework, just so they get pissed when they wake up at 7am and realize there is no school!

2)1-2 inches of snow likely. Which really means... 3 feet minimum. We just don't want you to freak out and rush to the grocery store, because it is I who is in need of the last supply of toliet paper and milk.

3)Cool, breezy, jacket needed. Which really means... A sweltering 98 degrees. We just like to watch everyone get skin cancer.

There are more, but I now have to go chip off a nice layer of 4 inches of ice that "was supposed to be" a light flurry last night.

before & after



