2004-01-29 || jimmy jammy, heres a quarter for some soap.
Dude, some people need to be introduced to BATHING.

My entire history class for example....

Jimmy, if your elbows have turned gray and crusty, and your fingers are black and you are of the caucasion persuasion...TAKE A FREGGIN' SHOWER.

Julia, if that hair-net thing you wear that was once cream colored has turned a nice shade of green...Hop on the bath train.

Nick, if you're hair has grown so large and in charge to the point of us throwing candy canes at your fro, and they actually stick...C'mon boy! Soap costs what? A DOLLAR?

Bathe. That's all I'm asking. A simple 10 minute hop in the tub. Soap to your body, shampoo to the hair, and I will be one proud proud peer.

That is all.

before & after



