2003-10-19 || i will never be loved by anyone.
I am the sorest loser ever. In the history of sore losers, I take the cake.

Out of all the games of Scattergories that my family has played, I've never won a single game. EVER.

So tonight, when I lost for the 93845739487 time, I finally lost it.

I threw down my game board thing and stormed away.

Wanna know my dads response?

"If you don't come over and play with us then I'm taking away your driving priviledges."

Yeah, that's right. You heard me. He threatened to take away my driving because I REFUSED TO PLAY SCATTERGORIES WITH THEM.

That is just really too sad for even me to come up with a comeback to.

Final scores:

Dad: 18.
T.loh: 23.
Me: 10. TEN.

before & after



